(type: color) — default: whitecoords
(type: coord[]) — array of the cuboids’ begins and endsedgeForm
(type: object) — default: {}
, object with the following properties:
(type: color) — edges’ color, default: blackshowEdges
(type: bool) — default: true
(type: number) — default: 1
Draw cubes/parallelepipeds from the even-numbered positions to the odd ones.
"type": "cuboid",
"color": [1, 1, 1],
"coords": [
[[-1, -1, -1]], // cube begin
[[0, 0, 0]], // cube end
[[0, 0, 0]], // parallelepiped begin
[[1, 2, 1]] // parallelepiped end
"edgeForm": { "showEdges": false }
"type": "cuboid",
"color": [0.25, 0, 0], // dark red
"coords": [
[null, [0, 0, 0]], // lower-left-front corner of the bounding box
[null, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]], // center of the bounding box
"edgeForm": {
"color": [0, 0, 1] // blue
"opacity": 0.9 // 90% of opacity